Return to Work

Our team is here to develop a rehabilitation plan specific to the needs of the client, insurer, employer and all other stakeholders. Our tailored paths to recovery tackle the necessary work demands so that the client can return to their job in a safe and efficient manner.

Return to Work Activation Programs:

Our occupational therapists are experts in creating work conditioning and activation programs that are efficient and effective. These programs focus on the quickest and easiest path for the client to return to work. We utilize therapies that are tailored to specific injuries and may include:

  • Cognitive rehabilitation for individuals with brain injuries

  • Physical reactivation for those with soft tissue or orthopedic injuries

  • Mental health therapies using evidence-based approaches such as prolonged exposure therapy and PGAP.

Worksite Assessment/Job site Visits:

Before a client returns to work, an occupational therapist from our team will visit the client's worksite to evaluate the work environment and create a return-to-work plan. On this visit, they will assess critical job demands and consult with the client's employer about return-to-work options. These visits are conducted to make sure the client can return to a safe environment that promotes their full recovery.

Gradual Return to Work (GRTW) Plans:

If needed, occupational therapists can collaborate with the family physician and the employer to develop a medically approved plan for a gradual return to work. The process of creating a gradual return to work (GRTW) plan may involve:

  • Consulting with the employer and other relevant stakeholders

  • Examining potential job accommodations

  • Implementing and monitoring the GRTW.

Job Coaching:

If a client is experiencing symptoms of aggravation, or is struggling to make progress in their return-to-work plan, our occupational therapists can provide support by addressing both the physical and mental demands of the job. In addition to educating the employee and employer, the therapists will consider making adaptations to the workplace and job tasks to minimize any physical or mental discomfort of the client.