Medical Legal Assessments

  • Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)

    Medical legal functional capacity evaluations are 1-2 day evaluations focused on assessing physical function, comparing pre-injury/incident status with post-injury/ incident status.

    Physical testing is inclusive of musculoskeletal strength, endurance, speed, and flexibility. Functional testing can include lifting, pushing/pulling, repetitive tasks using the upper extremities, ability to work at high and low levels, hand and finger manipulation tasks, tasks assessing postural tolerances, etc.

    Functional Capacity Evaluations at Functional Therapy & wellness are are conducted by our experienced occupational therapist, with specialized training, clinical experience, and courtroom experience.

    After performing the functional assessments, your FCE evaluator will then interpret your results to determine what types of activities you can safely perform at work. Next, your FCE evaluator will write a comprehensive report that indicates all information learned about your history, your job demands, and your functional test results. The report will include a comparison of your physical and job demands, and if these areas match. The report will also include recommendations for future interventions and answers to your referral questions.

  • Cost Of Future Care Analysis

    A future cost of care evaluation is a needs based assessment for individuals who have been diagnosed with chronic health issues that are expected to be lifelong. A future cost of care evaluation is usually completed in conjunction with a medical legal functional capacity evaluation.

    Assessed needs generally cover categories like equipment, adaptive aids, housekeeping services, healthcare services, medication, etc., and/or in cases of catastrophic injury such as a brain injury, amputation, or spinal cord injury, cost of care plans are much more extensive including items like home accessibility and architectural renovations, home personal care support services, etc.

    Formulating a Cost of Future Care report involves objective examination of medical documentation to identify diagnosis and prognosis, interview with the client, functional capacity testing, activities of daily living assessment, in-home functional assessment, and then researching of costs associated. The OT then provides an expert opinion regarding a persons’ residual functional capacities relating to daily living, residual employability, and loss of work/earning capacity, and housekeeping capacity.