Mental Health

Our team is here to help our clients overcome their current psychological ailments so they can live their life as they please without these hinderances impacting their work, social and home life. We are experienced in delivery of coping skills, and recommendations for adaptive strategies, behavioural activation, accommodations and skill development. 

Mental Health Support

Our occupational therapist will tailor the path to recovery based on the specifics of the client. Past the physical ramifications of a workplace or motor vehicle accident, clients can often experience psychological setbacks from anxiety and stress. Our team utilizes cognitive behavioral therapy that targets specific symptoms, life skills training, self-management techniques, social skills training, and workload management to aid in this recovery.

Prolonged Exposure (PE) Therapy

PE allows clients to work through their fears and anxieties in a supported environment. This is an effective, evidence-based therapy for PTSD. This work helps the client be put back in the drivers seat when it comes to their anxiety. Our aim is to facilitate this therapy to help the client return to work after work-related incidents.

Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP)

PGAP is a structured, and goal-oriented psychotherapy program that is designed to help individuals with mental health issues or disabilities to achieve specific, measurable, and achievable goals. It is effective in facilitating return to work in individuals who have sustained musculoskeletal injuries, individuals with chronic pain, as well as individual with severe depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. We have PGAP certified occupational therapists on our active roster.