Helping you recover and regain your life after injury or illness

We are a community based Occupational Therapy practise specializing in workplace health, concussion, mental health, med-legal services, and trauma assessment & rehabilitation

  • Experienced Clinicians

  • Objective Analysis

  • Goal-directed Treatment

  • Focused on Function

  • Successful Outcomes

About Us

At Functional Therapy & Wellness, we actively pursue excellence in service by conducting evidence based community assessments and interventions focused on case resolution. Our occupational therapists participate in the latest education and training to improve the quality and efficacy of client care.


Our team of occupational therapists provide a variety of rehab and medical legal services, including community occupational therapy treatment and assessments, return to work support services, functional capacity evaluations, and ergonomics assessments. Learn more about all our services below.

Return to Work Services

Worksite Assessments & Job Demands Analyses

Gradual Return to Work Plans

Workplace Accommodations & Advocacy

Vocational Rehabilitation

At Functional Therapy & Wellness, we work with individuals affected by injury or illness to remain at work or return to work in a timely and safe manner.

Home Safety / Community Assessments

Home Accessibility Modifications

Adaptive Equipment & Mobility Devices

Activities of Daily Living Retraining

Community Re-Integration

Assessments involve identifying home and functional barriers and providing recommendations on how to support your loved one’s ability to safely live at home.

Medical Legal Assessments

Functional Capacity Evaluations

Cost of Future Care Analysis

Whether you require a Functional Capacity Evaluation or opinion report for a legal case, employment or job placement, we are here to help. Hire for this service and learn how we cater to the needs of each client.

Mental Health Services

Prolonged Exposure Therapy

Progressive Goal Attainment Program

Stress Management

Mindfulness Techniques

Relaxation Practice

Assertiveness Training

We engage our clients in the practical application of coping skills, adaptive strategies, and skill development for optimal mental health after injury or illness.

Ergonomic Assessments

Home Office or Workplace Assessments

Equipment Recommendations

Postural Education & Exercise Prescription

Post-Assessment Follow-Up

Ergonomic assessments benefit employers and employees by increasing worker efficiency and safety in an environment that is suited for the client’s needs.

Functional Rehabilitation

Pain Management Education

Sleep Management Education

Activity Modification Strategies

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Nervous System Retraining

We address physical deficits in areas of functional mobility, self-care, safety, and transfers, to support individuals to return to their highest level of function.

Brain Injury / Concussion Rehabilitation

Concussion Education & Symptom Management

Cognitive Assessment & Rehabilitation

Gradual Return to Activity & Work

Noise / Light Sensitivity Retraining

We provide evidence-based treatment and guidance on how you can gradually re-integrate to school, work, and general daily activities in a manageable way.

ICBC Rehabilitation

Hospital Discharge Planning

Personal Care Assessments (PCA)

Functional Assessments & Re-training

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Exposure Therapy

Case Management

OT intervention upon hospital discharge may include home safety and functional assessments, equipment prescription, concussion/traumatic brain injury rehabilitation, and return to work readiness/hardening. 

Get in Touch

Get in touch with us to set up a referral or to inquire whether our services are right for you.

In addition to providing in person appointments throughout the Lower Mainland, we provide virtual services provincially.